Lignocel substrate 3-4 mm 10L (1.5kg)
Substrate for reptiles - manufactured for use in laboratories
Safe 3-4mm is a high-quality substrate used in laboratories, formerly known as Lignocel.
The substrate was developed to meet the rigorous requirements of
laboratories, which is a testament to its quality. The substrate is made
from carefully selected spruce trunks.
The substrate is in the form of fibrillated spruce wood fibers, which
makes it extremely soft and highly absorbent. The most important feature
of the substrate is its high liquid absorbency. As a result, the
substrate perfectly binds moisture, which facilitates the removal of
dirt and reduces unpleasant odors.
The bedding does not irritate the skin and respiratory system, making it ideal for pets with allergies.
High absorbency
Low in dust (undusted)
Reduces unpleasant odors
Very practical and economical
All-natural product
Manufactured from carefully selected wood
Chip size - 2-4 mm
12.5 kg bag/ballot 120l
1 kg bag/ballot 10l